I'm Not a (Real) Plastic Bag

Written by Stinni on Thursday, March 06, 2008

Fake Anya Hindmarch Bag

I bought it because I liked the rope handles. I had no idea the original bag by Anya Hindmarch is hugely popular in the UK and US. The originals are selling for hundreds of dollars/pounds on e-bay.

As for me, I use plastic bags and use them to line my small trash bins. The only exception is when I shop at Carrefour, and then I use their bags that they sell for like 200fils each.

It's a really, really bad knockoff but hey, it's a cute bag and you can walk around feeling superior to people who use plastic bags for only KD3.900 at Sanaa.

Personally, I like this bag much better:


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  1. 6 comments: Responses to “ I'm Not a (Real) Plastic Bag ”

  2. By Hasan.B on March 6, 2008 at 2:42 PM

    Is this nature friendly bag, that got alot of attention on the UK? Do they still sell it in the UK? NOT for me obviously, but I think my sister would like it

  3. By Stinni on March 6, 2008 at 3:44 PM

    Hi Hasan - Unfortunately, the "I'm not a plastic bag" tote was a limited edition so you can only find them now on e-bay etc., and they're outrageously priced. The original price of the bag was 5 pounds I think...

  4. By Stinni on March 6, 2008 at 3:44 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. By Anonymous on March 8, 2008 at 2:34 AM

    Hey, Stinni, I am visiting Kuwait in May or June and need to import my large dog from the U.S., any tips? I'm not sure if I should be pursue a private company to handle this (like PAWSKUWAIT) or if I should just ship him as excess baggage. Did you bring your dogs over, or get them there? I'm concerned b/c he's a snow dog (eskie mix possibly pyr) and I need to keep a close eye on him with the heat... If you know anyone with advice on this, please pass them my e-mail:

    And thank you so much for your blog, reading it helps me get a clearer picture of what to expect...

  6. By Anonymous on March 8, 2008 at 6:00 PM

    lol the smug twat bag is tres fun!
    mwah love laila x

  7. By Michelle | Bleeding Espresso on March 16, 2008 at 10:50 PM

    Hah! Those are fabulous :)

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American. Kuwaiti. Married. Two children. Housewife. Find out the rest in my posts.

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